Investing in Real Estate Funds with little money

When we hear about investments, we usually think of large amounts, restricted products for those who have robust financial reserves. Options beyond the reach of the small saver. An exception to this is savings, the most popular modality in Brazil.

However, Real Estate Investment Funds are assets that can also be accessed with a smaller amount of resources. Normally, the investor can buy a share with approximately R$100.00. Even investing a smaller amount, through a FII the investment can be diversified into several properties or financial assets, with exposure to prime properties in consolidated regions and rented to the largest and safest companies in Brazil.

Additionally, in recent months we have seen some FIIs that are becoming even more accessible to invest in. With the possibility of buying shares at values close to R$10.00. These funds, which had their quotas being traded at levels close to R$ 100.00, carried out the so-called split of quotas. In this event, an investor who had 5 shares, for example, with a total value of R$500.00, now has 50 shares, with the same total value of R$500.00, but each share is now worth R$10.00.

This movement can generate 3 beneficial effects for the real estate fund. First, it allows more shareholders to invest in the asset, which tends to increase trading volume in the secondary market. Second, as mentioned above, it allows a person to invest with just R$10.00. And third, it allows you to reinvest the dividends received even with less resources. In the case of an FII with a share of R$100.00 and a hypothetical dividend of 1% per month, to receive R$100.00 in dividends and be able to buy another share, the investor must have at least R$10,000.00 invested. In the case of the FII with a base quota of R$10.00 and the same 1% dividend, the investor who has R$1,000.00 invested can already buy another share with his monthly dividend.

In short, FIIs are a democratic investment option with high quality potential. They still have the advantage of income tax exemption in the distribution of their results. In addition, I always like to remind you that it is important to read the so-called manager's reports before investing. In them, it is possible to check the profile of assets within the funds, indexes, terms of contracts or papers, defaults and other important information for making investment decisions.

Finally, when making the investment, it is interesting to spread out the assets held, invest little by little, spreading purchases over a few months and not having just one class of assets. Within the FII sector, it may be interesting to diversify between brick FIIs and paper FIIs, for example. In this way, by pulverizing and making decisions more calmly, the investor mitigates the risk of loss and has time to reflect and analyze in more detail where he is putting his money.

*Gustavo Asdourian is a founding partner of Guardian Gestora

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