5 tips for architects who want to undertake

Against the grain of the crisis, the architecture sector has gained even more momentum in recent months and opened up new opportunities for those who dream of undertaking in this area. To give you an idea, the commerce and services sectors account for more than 80% of active enterprises in the country, in addition, it recorded a record in the number of new companies opened in 2020 and ended the year with around 20 million active businesses - which represents a 6% increase compared to 2019, according to data from the Ministry of Economy. In addition, in the last three months of 2020, the number of activities registered by architects and urban planners grew by 12% compared to the same period in 2019.

With an eye on this scenario, architect Quintino Facci, with more than 174,000 followers on Instagram, saw the opportunity to use his social network, both to publicize his work and to help other professionals undertake in this area. “I've been to the other side, so today I try to bring knowledge to those who dream of opening their own office. The greatest difficulty for professionals is the lack of information on management and processes. During college we didn't learn how to manage an office, hire, how to charge, not even how to deal with customers and the possible mistakes that can happen in the process”, reveals the architect.

Right at the beginning of the course, at the age of 18, architect Quintino Facci, just 22 years old, decided to open his own Graphic Development Studio focused on real estate launches. After six months, while he was already working with six other people, he decided to open the 3D office. Three months later, he opened the office Quintino Facci Arquitetos-which has already carried out major projects, such as renovating the office of the influencer and former BBB Jade Picon.

To help architects who are still in college or who have already graduated and want to open their own office, the expert lists five tips to undertake in the area. Check out:

1 - Networking: creating relationships and connections is fundamental in any business, especially when it comes to undertaking. “Networking - which aims to create relationships with others on an emotional level to help build a business, can help you with both referrals and new clients. In this way, you need to meet and interact with people who may be part of your business network or even friendship. Do this both online and in your day to day life”, advises Quintino.

2 - Learn about business: “You need to go beyond architecture, you need to know a little about everything: people management, financial, legal, 3D, executive, administrative, commercial. It is necessary to go through all the steps. In the beginning, you'll need to do it in a thousand, but over time, you start to divide the processes”, explains the architect.

3 - Less is more: value quality and not quantity. “In the beginning, when you are responsible for everything or have only one or two assistants, you need to calculate the number of projects your team can carry out, without anything being harmed. Many end up taking a very large number of projects and delivering them with errors, which in addition to harming the firm's credibility also impacts the firm's price. Remember, in architecture we don't just work with projects and executions, we are dealing with dreams”, warns Quintino.

4 - Know how to delegate at the right time: growing up often “hurts”, because it's always a new beginning, and at these times you must count on the help of a support network. Don't centralize everything, count on support for the financial and accounting part, customer service, execution, work monitoring. Even more so at this time, you must position yourself as a leader, guiding the team and supporting it. Also, never leave aside the commercial and marketing part of the office. Its image must always be associated with the name of the firm”, says the architect.

5 - Make partnerships and publicize your projects: “Those who are not seen are not remembered, don't forget that! The architect has an advantage in his favor, decoration and projects are very visual and he has a huge engagement on Instagram, which should be used to his advantage. Seek partnership with influencers to design a room, take pictures of the projects, show many before and afters, talk about trends, communicate with other architects”, guides Quintino.

Still according to him, thinking about giving up is not an option, you need to move towards your focus. “How not to give up when undertaking in this area? This is the question that comes to my Instagram the most. When you have a very well defined and clear goal, where you want to go, what you want out of life, how much you want to earn, what you want as a professional, it is very difficult to give up. You may get exhausted, but you'll always give your gas, because you know where you're going. To help professionals who are going through this challenge, I will hold a course, free of charge, through my instagram, from 04/21 to 04/27, for those who want to undertake”, invites the architect.

About Quintino Facci

Quintino Facci is an entrepreneur, author, founder and director of QUEFE Creative Studio and Quintino Facci Arquitetos. Still in the first year of college, he launched the ebook “Manual da Reforma Barata“. At the age of 18, he opened his own 3D Studio and, months later, he opened his own office - Quintino Facci Arquitetos. Working with architecture and interior projects in the city of São Paulo and Ribeirão Preto, QF architects has already conquered clients such as influencer and businesswoman Jade Picon, jewelry designer Di Candelero and renowned stylist Alice Capella. The office was part of the cast of CasaCor Ribeirão Preto and already in the first year won the award for “Most Beautiful Environment” with the project “Casa do Coleleccionador de Momentos”, which has already earned some nominations for international awards.

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